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Personal Data Protection Rules (GDPR)

I. Introductory Provisions

Bavarent s.r.o., company ID 28098510, registered office: Žižkova tř. 224/7, České Budějovice 37001, Czech Republic, is the Administrator of personal data in accordance with Article 4(7) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”)

Contact details of the Administrator: Vadim Bajkanic

Address: …Jecna 1378, Hluboka nad Vltavou…..


Telephone: +420 604948617……

Personal data are construed as all information about an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is such natural person that may be identified, directly or indirectly, using a specific identifier including, without limitation, name, ID number, location details, network ID and/or using one or more features of such a natural person’s physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural, and social identity.

No personal data protection representative has been appointed by the Administrator.

II. Sources and categories of processed personal data

The Administrator processes such personal data that he has been provided by you or such personal data that he has obtained while processing your order/inquiry.

The Administrator processes your identification and contact details as well as information necessary to perform a contract or price offer.

III. Statutory reason and purpose of personal data processing

The statutory reasons to process personal data include performance of a contract entered into by you and the Administrator in accordance with Article 6(1)(b) of GDPR and legitimate interest of the Administrator to provide direct marketing services (including, without limitation, commercial communication and newsletters) in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR. The statutory reason to process personal data is also to obtain your consent to your personal data being processed for the purposes of provision of direct marketing services (including, without limitation, commercial communication and newsletters) in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR in connection with Sec. 7(2) of Czech Act No. 480/2004 Sb., on certain information society services and on amendments to some acts, if no order has been placed and/or no services have been ordered.

Additionally, the purpose of processing your personal data is to process your orders and inquiries as well as exercise all the rights and fulfil all the obligations arising out of and in connection with the contractual relationship between you and the Administrator; certain personal data are required so that an order you place may be successfully processed (name, address, contact details); a contract may only be entered into subject to provision of such personal data; failure to provide such personal data results in the Administrator being unable to enter into or perform such a contract, send commercial communication or perform any other marketing activities.

No automated decision-making as defined in Article 22 of GDPR occurs on the part of the Administrator. You have provided express consent to such processing.

IV. Data storage period

The Administrator stores personal data

for as long as is necessary to exercise rights, fulfil obligations, and make claims arising out of and in connection with the contractual relationship between the Administrator and you (for a period of 10 years after such a contractual relationship is terminated)

until consent to personal data processing for marketing purposes is revoked (if consent to process personal data has been given), but longer than for a period of 5.. years.

The Administrator is obliged to delete personal data when the data storage period has lapsed.

V. Personal data recipients (Administrator’s subcontractors)

Personal data recipients are persons that take part in supplying goods/services and/or enabling payments as agreed upon in a contract as well as persons providing marketing services.

The Administrator does not intend to disclose personal data to entities outside the EU or an international organization.

Utilized marketing and support services

Google analytics – cookies and web usage

Google Adwords – cookies and web usage

VI. Your rights

Based on what is stipulated in GDPR you:

are entitled to access your personal data in accordance with Article 15 of GDPR,

are entitled to correct your personal data in accordance with Article 16 of GDPR or request, in accordance with Article 18 of GDPR, that use of your personal data be restricted,

are entitled to demand deletion of your personal data in accordance with Article 17 of GDPR,

are entitled to raise an objection, in accordance with Article 21 of GDPR, to how your personal data are processed,

have the right to data portability in accordance with Article 20 of GDPR.

have the right to revoke, in writing or electronically (using the address or the email address of the Administrator as stated in Article I hereof), your consent to personal data processing.

Additionally, you have the right to file a complaint with Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů (The Office for Personal Data Protection) if you believe your personal data protection rights have been breached.

VII. Personal data security

The Administrator represents all suitable technical and organizational measures have been taken to ensure personal data are secure.

The Administrator have taken suitable technical measures to ensure data storage system security as well as security of personal data in paper form including, without limitation, secured/encrypted website access, encrypted client passwords in the database, regular system updates, and regular system back-ups.

The Administrator represents only those persons that have been duly authorized by the Administrator have access to personal data.

VIII. Final provisions

By placing an order/inquiry using the internet order/inquiry form you represent you have read the personal data protection rules and you agree with each provision contained therein.

By filling in and submitting the order/inquiry form you represent you have read the personal data protection rules and you agree with each provision contained therein.

The Administrator may change these rules. New versions of these personal data protection rules, if any, are to be published on the Administrator’s website as well as sent to the email address you have provided to the Administrator. These Rules become valid and effective on May 25, 2018.

Cookies policy
Their typical purpose is to help sites remember particular actions you may have done there in the past. For example, cookies may track when you have logged into a site, visited certain pages or clicked certain buttons.
Websites maintained by Budweis-shuttle use cookies to improve your user experience. In many cases, cookies are even essential for certain features of a site.
For example, we use cookies to:
Remember when you have logged into a site.
Track your usage of a site via Google Analytics. Track the success of our marketing campaigns.
As this site is a multilingual cookies are used to set your chosen language and keep track of it as you move around the site.
A Cookie cannot read data off of your hard drive or read Cookie files created by other sites. Information stored in cookies may be encrypted, however, we do not store your credit card number in Cookies. If you prefer not to accept a Cookie, you can set your web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox) to warn you before accepting cookies or you can refuse all Cookies by turning them off in your web browser. However, access to some of our website pages are secure

Privacy Policy
At Budweis-shuttle, we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information you provide to secure your Budweis-shuttle reservation.
We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard. We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties.
In order to process ticket orders and deliver transportation services, we collect, store and process your first and last name and your cell phone number. The following additional data may be required for necessary payment processing: to pay for a booked trip by credit card, Budweis-shuttle requires your full name, your email address. Budweis-shuttle will not store your credit card number; it is transmitted directly to the payment processing service.
The data required for contract processing and for the provision of transportation services are only forwarded to the performing bus companies and other third parties (e.g. service providers for IT, customer service and payment processing) to the extent necessary for registering and processing ticket sales. In justified cases (e.g. damage to buses), we reserve the right to pass on the customer data to the transporting bus partners. Such disclosure may be used by our service providers exclusively for the fulfillment of their task and not for other purposes.
Budweis-shuttle will not share personal data with third parties for marketing purposes.

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links
to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore,
we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst
visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise
caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

When you make reservation on our website, we will require deposit from you. The Deposit is required
We require a small portion of total price as a deposit to secure your booking.
Rest of price will be paid by cash to the driver in CZK or EUR on date of trip.
We dont accept credit card payment in the car.

Claims for damages must be submitted within 30 days in writing or by e-mail, to the address or email address of the Company. Upon expiry of this period, the Customer no longer has the right to claim and the related claim for damages, respectively. the application of the contractual penalty. Any customer complaint will, however, be properly investigated. Compensation for damage / inconvenience is limited to a maximum amount equal to the transport price per reservation, but not exceeding CZK 2,000 - a contractual penalty. Damages are totally excluded where a replacement wagon of the same type or the same wagon in another color is provided for logistical reasons and a situation where the damage is caused by a third power which the carrier can not influence, such as weather,

Complaints and Application of Contractual Fine

In case of any problem, this complaint handling procedure should be followed. If a customer desires to claim damages, the company must promptly report any situation in the event of any problem. If the customer can not find his driver or has any other problem with a particular ordered service, the company immediately contacts the phone number. In the event that the problem is not solved immediately or to the extent required, the customer will communicate this fact to the company by email or in writing and will give details of the complaint. The complaint will then be investigated as soon as possible, usually within a few days.

All necessary contacts with the Company for the purpose of filing a complaint or claiming a contractual penalty / damages can be found by the customer on the website.

Cancellation policy
If you cancel your reservation at least 3days before your trip than we will send your deposit back to
If you cancel your reservation later than just 3days before your trip than your depsoit is not refundable.
Cancellation must be send to at least 3days before your trip.
Manipulation fee of 100 CZK is non-refundable in every case.

When you want make a change of date or time.Than we will try to do maximum to change your
request. But could happen than our cars would be already reserved for other customers.

Obchodní podmínky

Zásady ochrany osobních údajů
My Budweis-shuttle jsme se zavázali chránit vaše soukromí. Používáme informace, které nám poskytnete, abychom zajistili rezervaci Budweis-shuttle.
Snažíme se zajistit, aby vaše informace byly bezpečné. Abychom zabránili neoprávněnému přístupu nebo odhalení, zavedli jsme elektronické a manažerské postupy k ochraně. Neposkytujeme údaje o kreditní kartě, ani údaje o zákaznících nesdílíme s třetími stranami.
Pro zpracování objednávek a poskytování dopravních služeb shromažďujeme, ukládáme a zpracováváme své jméno, příjmení a číslo mobilního telefonu. Následující dodatečné údaje mohou být vyžadovány pro nezbytné zpracování plateb: zaplatit za rezervovaný výlet kreditní kartou, služba Budweis-shuttle vyžaduje vaše celé jméno, vaši e-mailovou adresu. Budweis-shuttle neukládá číslo kreditní karty; je přenášena přímo do služby zpracování plateb.
Údaje potřebné pro zpracování smluv a poskytování dopravních služeb jsou předávány pouze výkonným autobusovým společnostem a jiným třetím stranám (např. Poskytovatelům služeb pro IT, zákaznický servis a zpracování plateb) v rozsahu nezbytném pro registraci a zpracování prodeje jízdenek. V odůvodněných případech (např. Poškození autobusů) si vyhrazujeme právo předat údaje zákazníků partnerům přepravní sběrnice. Takové zpřístupnění mohou poskytovatelé služeb využívat výlučně k plnění jejich úkolů a nikoli k jiným účelům.
Společnost Budweis-shuttle nesdílí osobní údaje třetím stranám za účelem marketingu.

Naše webové stránky mohou obsahovat odkazy na jiné zajímavé webové stránky. Jakmile však použijete tyto odkazy
opustit naše stránky, měli byste si všimnout, že nemáme žádnou kontrolu nad touto jinou webovou stránkou. Proto,
nemůžeme být zodpovědní za ochranu a soukromí všech informací, které vám poskytneme
návštěvy takových stránek a takové stránky se nevztahují na toto prohlášení o ochraně osobních údajů. Měli byste cvičit
opatrně a podívejte se na prohlášení o ochraně osobních údajů platné pro danou webovou stránku.

Při rezervaci na našich webových stránkách budete požadovat od vás zálohu. Záloha je požadována
Požadujeme malou část celkové ceny jako zálohu na zajištění rezervace.
Zbytek ceny zaplatí řidičovi v hotovosti v CZK nebo EUR ke dni výletu.
V automobilu nepřijímáme platby kreditní kartou.


Nároky na náhradu případné škody musí být podány do 30 dnů písemně nebo e-mailem, na adresu nebo mailovou adresu Společnosti. Po uplynutí této lhůty už nemá Zákazník právo na reklamaci a související nárok na náhradu škody, resp. uplatnění smluvní pokuty nárok. Případná stížnost zákazníka však bude i tak řádně prošetřena. Kompenzace způsobené škody/nepříjemnosti je omezena na maximální částku, jež se rovná ceně dopravy u jednotlivé rezervace, avšak nepřevyšující částku 2 000 Kč – smluvní pokuta. Z náhrady škody jsou zcela vyjmuty případy, kdy je z logistických důvodů zajištěn náhradní vůz obdobného typu nebo stejný vůz v jiné barvě a situace, kdy ke škodě dojde vlivem třetí moci, které dopravce nemůže ovlivnit, jako jsou např. počasí atd.


Stížnosti a uplatnění smluvní pokuty

 V případě jakéhokoliv problému je třeba následovat tento postup vyřizování stížností. Chce-li zákazník využít nárok na náhradu škody, musí společnost v případě jakéhokoliv problému neprodleně informovat o nastalé situaci. V případě, že zákazník nemůže najít svého řidiče nebo má jakýkoliv jiný problém s konkrétní objednanou službou, neprodleně společnost kontaktuje telefonicky na sdělené telefonní číslo. V případě, že problém nebude vyřešen okamžitě, nebo v požadované míře, sdělí tuto skutečnost zákazník společnosti emailem nebo písemně a uvede všechny podrobnosti k dané stížnosti. Stížnost bude následně prošetřena v co nejkratší možné době, zpravidla během několika dnů.

 Veškeré potřebné kontakty na Společnost za účelem podání stížnosti či nároku na smluvní pokutu/náhradu škody nalezne zákazník na webových stránkách.

Storno podmínky
Pokud rezervaci zrušíte nejméně po 3 dny před vaší cestou, zašleme Vám zálohu zpět.
Zrušíte-li rezervaci později než jen před 3 dny před vaší cestou, nebude vaše vrácená částka vrácena.
Zrušení musí být zasláno do nejméně tři dny před vaší cestou.
Poplatek za manipulaci ve výši 100 Kč je v každém případě nevratný.

Chcete-li změnit datum nebo čas.Tak se pokusíme udělat maximum pro změnu vaší žádosti.
 Ale může dojít k tomu, že budou naše auta již vyhrazeny pro jiné zákazníky. Potom Vám nabídneme jinou alternativu.